Ways we Support Seafarers' Mental Health

Why Mental Health is Important for Seafarers

Seafarers play a crucial role in the global economy, transporting goods and connecting nations across the world. However, their challenging work environment, prolonged periods of isolation away from family and loved ones, and demanding schedules can often take a toll on their mental well-being. The high-pressure nature of their work can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. It is essential to recognise these challenges and their potential impact on seafarers' mental well-being.

Ways We Support Seafarers Mental Health

At the Liverpool Seafarers Centre, we prioritise the mental health of seafarers and take steps to help support people in need. 

Creating a Supportive Environment

Creating a supportive environment that promotes mental health awareness is crucial for seafarers. At the Liverpool Seafarers Centre we encourage open communication about Seafarers mental health.  This can often simply mean asking “How are you feeling today?” or “Do you want to talk to us about anything?” or “Shall we pray together?”  Also, encouraging Seafarers to seek professional assistance without fear of judgement or repercussions is an important part of what we do. 

Combating Isolation for Seafarers

One of the key challenges faced by seafarers is isolation. To address this, we encourage social connectivity on board through visits by our Ship Liaison Officers.  

At our centre, we provide access to reliable internet and communication facilities that can help seafarers stay connected with their loved ones and support systems at home. 

Creating additional opportunities for social interaction among crew members, such as organising recreational activities, can also contribute to a positive and supportive environment. To this end, we provide minibus transport for visiting crew so they can explore the attractions and sights of our vibrant city of Liverpool, from the Beatles story to the Maritime Museum and premiership Football Stadiums.  

What can Shipping Companies Do?

We encourage maritime organisations to prioritise the provision of mental health support services for seafarers. This can include access to confidential counselling services, mental health helplines, and regular check-ins with mental health professionals. Additionally, implementing policies that ensure adequate rest periods, promoting work-life balance, and addressing fatigue management can contribute to seafarers' mental well-being.

We also encourage shipping companies to alert their crew to Seafarer Centre services like ours when in port.  We encourage all crew to get in touch with the Liverpool Seafarers Centre when in the Port of Liverpool -  either by requesting a ship visit by our Ship Welfare Visitors, or by coming along to our centre to enjoy some recreational facilities in a save environment away from the stresses of work.  

We believe the mental health of seafarers is a critical aspect of their overall well-being. By acknowledging the unique challenges they face and implementing measures to support their mental well-being, we can ensure a healthier, happier and more productive workforce in the maritime industry.  So let’s all do our part.  

Liverpool Seafarers Centre .

Charity based in Liverpool to provide a safe haven for travelling seafarers.


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