Improving Seafarers' Oral Health

Liverpool Seafarers Centre celebrates World Oral Health Day 2024

One year has passed since we launched our Oral Health Initiative in collaboration with Mersey Port Health Authority, and we are excited to reinforce our campaign to enhance the oral health of seafarers. On World Oral Health Day, which falls on March 20th, 2024, we will be offering FREE dental health packs to seafarers!

Our oral health campaign has achieved remarkable success thus far. We have already distributed hundreds of comprehensive dental packs to visiting seafarers. These packs include essential items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, 2-minute timers, dental floss, and informative leaflets emphasising the significance of oral hygiene.

In addition to the dental packs, we have introduced a mobile dental surgery to provide seafarers with comprehensive dental treatment and expert advice. This goes beyond the limited options of emergency extractions typically available at sea.

While oral health is crucial for everyone, we acknowledge the unique challenges faced by seafarers in accessing dental care. Spending months at sea restricts their options for dental treatments, and the availability of dental care services in their home countries during leave is often limited.

We are proud to have the support and endorsement of the Mersey Port Health Authority, an organisation dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all seafarers.

For more valuable information on maintaining your oral health, please visit or watch their You Tube video featuring Toothie the Beaver!

#WOHD24 #HappyMouth

World Oral Health Day 2024 is supported by the Liverpool Seafarers Centre

Liverpool Seafarers Centre .

Charity based in Liverpool to provide a safe haven for travelling seafarers.

Bienvenue Volunteers!